Day 5 – Back in Miami

I woke this morning to the beautiful lights along the coastline of Florida, as we were pulling into port.   It was dark and still very early yet so I didn’t bother with a photo. 

Disembarking a ship has a lot of details involved.  The process starts the night before.   You get colored luggage tags that correspond to the time you should be disembarking and to the waiting zone you wait in.   You also get a customs and declarations form that you need to fill out before you get off the ship.   So for the most part we were prepared to walk off the ship when we woke up…

So we took time to go and eat breakfast in the main dining room.  From there we had a pretty easy disembarkation as we chose to carry our luggage on/off the ship.   As we excited and entered the terminal we passed customs and exited outside to the pouring down rain of Miami where we got a taxi.

With travel…word to the wise…BE FLEXIBLE!  We had a half hour delay in Miami. From there we had a mechanical delay in Atlanta with another almost 2-hr delay!  Overall we chose to be happy and thankful that we didn’t have an overnight layover or any in flight issues considering all the weather swirling around the US!  In fact we had fairly smooth flights even though we had to go around some systems…

We had a great trip, lots of great memories and you know its always a great vacation when you were happy to be home.  All good things must come to an end.


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